Sunday, February 20, 2011


The rallies occurring in Wisconsin have me riveted for two reasons:

  1. I work in New Jersey where the governor is determined to do exactly what the Governor of Wisconsin is doing.
  2. My union, NJEA, has been essential in insuring that our pensions have been protected.

What will happen if this country stands by and allows our unions to be destroyed? Teachers work incredibly hard for incredibly low pay and have one focus - their students. Are there bad teachers? Sure. Are there more good than bad? Absolutely. It is time to stop demonizing educators.

1 comment:

  1. This is extremely scary. I hate that banks gave home loans that they knew people wouldn't be able to pay back. Only Bernie went to jail and in the larger scheme of things he was just a small fraction of the abuse that occurred. No punishment for the rest and they continue to thrive. This has hurt the middle class. Now they want the middle class to be pinched some more for the mistakes of the richest people in our country. We can't expect student achievement to increase by cutting funding.
